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- Duck Race 2025Tickets: £5.0021 April 2025 | 13:00Rustlings Rd, Sheffield S11 7AB, UK
- 7 January 2023 | 10:00Sheffield S10 3TE, UK
- 8 February 2022 | 09:00Sheffield, UK
Andere Seiten (38)
- Whiteley Woods - Upper | Friends of the Porter Valley
Information about Upper Whiteley Woods in Sheffield. Part of the FoPV area. Whiteley Woods - Upper This is the section of valley from Armchair Bridge up to Carr Bridge, just above Forge Dam. Walkers leave the formal pathways completely, entering a wooded area, the River flowing down its natural bed with rough paths on either side. Alder, beech, oak, sycamore, ash, hawthorn and holly, make up this area of ancient woodland, providing habitats for a wide variety of invertebrates and shelter for owls, hedgehogs, foxes and badgers. This area is alive with songbirds. Grey wagtails can be seen foraging along the valley floor and dippers perch characteristically on rocks midstream then dive into the water, walking against the currents in search of small invertebrates which abound in the river. Wire Mill On the left side of the river, steps or a steep path lead up to Wire Mill Dam. This used to be a popular location for anglers and model boat enthusiasts in the past. In early spring you may hear your first chiff-chaff, followed by warblers, swallows and swifts. On the Dam itself can be seen coots, moorhens, mallards and mandarins and as summer arrives so do the waterlilies. On the path beside the Dam is a memorial to Thomas Boulsover, the first owner of Wire Mill, who in the 18th century, invented Sheffield Plate. The path upstream runs alongside a man-made channel or goit. This is the supply for Wire Mill Dam and takes water from the Porter just below Forge Dam, creating a high fall of water, sufficient to accommodate two wheels each 11 metres in diameter. Secret Door Before the road bridge at Forge Dam there are 3 tiers of gabions lining the far side of the River. They protect the bank when the River is in flood. On your left as you reach the road is a 3-storey building in which workers lived and produced buttons made from Sheffield Plate. If you take an immediate left turn on reaching the tarmac road and climb up Ivy Cottage Lane you will see on your right steps leading to a carved wooden door which bears the inscription…. ‘Chestnut, Plane & Sycamore, who or what lies behind the door?’ This unusual feature hides a concrete support which stabilises the tree. Buildings There are almost 50 nests in the rookery on the right just before the playground. The rooks can be seen in daytime out on fields high in the valley and return noisily to roost at night. Some of Thomas Boulsover’s ancillary buildings still exist at Forge Dam although the Forge itself has gone. Here a large wheel drove two tilt hammers and a smaller wheel operated blowers for the furnaces. The popular Forge Dam café is housed in a structure which was once Sharrow Vale Wesleyan Reform Chapel. On the Dam there is often a motionless grey heron amongst the reeds keeping watch on the duck families and throughout the year there may be an opportunity to spot a kingfisher or two.
- Whiteley Woods - Lower | Friends of the Porter Valley
Information about Lower Whiteley Woods in Sheffield. Part of the FoPV area. Whiteley Woods - Lower Whiteley Woods, acquired by Sheffield Corporation in stages in the early years of the 20th century, is a narrow linear park which occupies an area of c11.5 hectares. The Porter Brook runs through the centre of the park with fairly steep, well-wooded valley sides to the north and south. The area inside the park, close to the Rustlings Road entrance, is formal with grass areas and shrub and tree plantings. There is a gradual transition in style from here towards the less formal character higher up the valley. The lodge at the park entrance was erected in 1908 at a cost of £640 and consisted of 2 rooms and a scullery on the ground floor, 3 bedrooms, a shelter and conveniences. Woods & Dams To the left of the main path is Trippett Wood, an area of ancient woodland, dating back to at least 1600. Woodpeckers, jays, tree-creepers and nuthatches are commonly seen in the woodland, whilst dippers and wagtails are resident near the river. A short distance into Whiteley Woods is the Ibbotson Dam, with records dating back to the 16th century. It is sometimes known as the Upper Spur Gear Dam, the name originating from the arrangement of the Wheel’s gear drive and different to that used on other wheels in the area. The Wheel and dam were bequeathed to Francis Otter in 1875 by his uncle, Robert Younge, owner and resident of Greystones Hall. Francis Otter sold them to Sheffield Corporation in the early 20th century. Mills Walter Charles Ibbotson was a grinder who leased the Ibbotson Wheel in the 1890s but by the turn of the century he had diversified as the area became more attractive for leisure activities. His advertisement in the Sheffield Independent of 1896 states “PORTER GLEN, TOP OF ENDCLIFFE PARK – Visitors will find Good Accommodation for Hot Water; Teas Provided, Schools and Parties Catered for; Boating, Swings; a large play ground -W C IBBOTSON” The Wheel was in good order in 1930 when it was suggested that it could become an industrial museum similar to Shepherd Wheel. Nothing came of the idea and the Wheel was demolished in the 1950s. Armchair Bridge There are the remains of a dam between Highcliffe Road and Whiteley Wood Road and the main path follows the goit. This was the site of the Leather Wheel, built in 1754 and shortly afterwards incorporated into the works of Thomas Boulsover. Sometimes alternatively known as the Nether Wheel, it ceased operating around 1900 and was demolished in 1907. A bridge, stone-built with seating niches and ornamental copings, across the Porter on Whiteley Wood Road, is known as the ‘armchair bridge’. Photos from the early 20th century show the sides of the bridge as being made of wooden lattices. These have now been replaced with stone.
- Walks | FoPV
Find out about the FoPV walks which take place throughout the year, and book your tickets. Monatliche Spaziergänge Einmal im Monat organisieren wir Wanderungen zu einem für alle interessanten Thema. Details zu unseren geplanten Wanderungen finden Sie unten und je nachdem, welches Gerät Sie verwenden, um diese Seite anzuzeigen, können Sie entweder mit der Maus über jede Veranstaltung fahren oder den Dropdown-Pfeil verwenden, um weitere Details zu jeder Wanderung zu erfahren. Diese Wanderungen erfreuen sich großer Beliebtheit und aufgrund der ständig steigenden Anzahl müssen wir die Anzahl jetzt durch den Betrieb eines Registrierungssystems begrenzen. Anmeldung zu Fuß Die Anmeldung zu unseren Wanderungen ist kostenlos und wird zwei Wochen vor der Wanderung möglich sein. Um sich anzumelden, klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche unten, um Ihren Platz oder Ihre Plätze zu buchen und Bitte passen Sie die Menge an die Anzahl der Personen an, für die Sie buchen. Sie erhalten umgehend eine Buchungsbestätigung, die den Startpunkt der Wanderung und Ihre Eintrittskarte(n) enthält. Sie müssen das Ticket zum Beginn der Wanderung mitbringen, entweder indem Sie es ausdrucken oder Sie können eine digitale Version auf Ihrem Telefon vorzeigen. Bitte bringen Sie keine weiteren Freunde oder Familienmitglieder mit, ohne ein Ticket für sie zu bestellen, oder teilen Sie den Treffpunkt, da wir sicherstellen müssen, dass die Anzahl der vereinbarten Anzahl eingehalten wird. Die Registrierung endet, wenn alle Tickets bestellt wurden, oder um 17:00 Uhr am Abend vor der Wanderung. Leider können wir während der Registrierung nicht anzeigen, wie viele Tickets noch übrig sind. Wenn Sie versuchen, mehr als übrig zu bestellen, können Sie nicht mehr bestellen, als für diesen Spaziergang verfügbar sind. Wenn dies passiert und Ihnen 1 Ticket fehlt, bestellen Sie bitte die restlichen Tickets und kontaktieren Sie uns über die Kontaktseite. Bevorstehende Veranstaltungen FoPV Walk - Dawn Chorus Walk Sa., 05. Apr. Wire Mill Dam Mehr Infos Tickets kaufen FoPV Walk - Dämmerungschor Sa., 10. Mai Wire Mill Dam Mehr Infos Tickets kaufen