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- 7 January 2023 | 10:00Sheffield S10 3TE, UK
- 8 February 2022 | 09:00Sheffield, UK
- 1 April 2023 | 18:30Sheffield S10 3TE
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- Endcliffe Toad | Friends of the Porter Valley
The Endcliffe Park Toad The new iron toad shortly after installation. Donations Although the new toad is now in place, we still need to raise a few more pounds to meet the cost. To make a donation to the Endcliffe Park Toad renewal project, please do so here via our secure donations page. Donate The iron toad after one week. The Endcliffe Park Toad, seen above, is a well known piece of public art located a few metres below the Cafe. The latest version was installed on 5th December 2024 after almost a year of fundraising by FoPV, and it is made of metal by a local sculptor called Jason Thompson, who has also designed and made other works of art in Sheffield such as the 'Chair' in the Rivelin Valley. This is the third toad made by Jason to sit on this base. The first toad, in 1997, was jointly funded as a celebration of nature - by the Off the Shelf Literary festival, and Sheffield Wildlife Trust. Both wooden toads eventually deteriorated, returning them to nature, each lasting about 12 years. The remains of the 2012 toad can still be seen beside the holly bush beside the river. Reflecting the original heritage, the current toad sits on the open pages of a book, as with the previous two wooden toads of 1997 and 2012. Sculptor Jason Thomson, and Glyn Mansell of FoPV, visited Greystones Primary School and talked to pupils in Y2 and Y5 about the Toad project. The pupils were fascinated and later produced art and written work which was displayed in school and the Tropical Pavilion at the Botanical Gardens one Saturday in September 2024 . A selection of this work is inscribed onto the new ‘pages’ supporting the metal 2024 toad, some of which can be seen in the pictures below. The Watch We are often asked about the watch, so we asked Jason to explain. "It’s about time and the frozen nature of sculpture as the world changes around it. The new iron toad , if left alone, could last for ten or twenty thousand years compared to 12 to 15 years for his two wooden incarnations. The frog Prince of fairy tales also comes into it, but as he’s a common toad (Bufo Bufo ) maybe a nice watch is preferable?" Close-ups of the books
- Friends of the Porter Valley | Sheffield | Conservation
Amis de la vallée de Porter Conserver - Protéger - Restaurer Devenir membre Connexion des membres Conservation Préservation Restauration Download our interactive map and guide For more details and instructions Document To find out more about us, and the status of the valley as a Local Nature Reserve, click on the link here About Us Quoi de neuf Les détails de nos événements et activités sont fournis ici. Cliquez sur un événement pour plus d'informations. Our latest projects The Endcliffe Park Toad The Endcliffe Park Toad is a well known piece of public art, enjoyed by many who pass it. The original wodden version was replaced in November with funds raised by us over the year, including fromm the annual duck race. However, we are still a little short of our orriginal target and so we continue to riase the final funds. Please help us raise the final funds to replace the Endcliffe Park Toad. For more information see our dedicated Toad Page or click on the Donate Button here. Donate We are currently looking at improvements to The Forge Dam Playground In the Autumn of 2022 we completed a consultation of playground users and everyone with an interest in the Forge Dam area, and were pleased to receive nearly 180 suggestions and comments. We are working with those suggestions and comments, and are implementing as many as posible as and when funds permit. Details of updates that we have made can be found on our blags about the playground. Take a look at that section for up to date information. We are of course accepting donations via our own secure donation page. Donate Promenades guidées About Us About the FoPV Find out who we are and what we do Find Out More The Rivers Trust We are assisting the Rivers Trust in monitoring the sewage being put into the Porter. Nature Counts Your Sightings Contribute to the Nature Counts initiative with your sightings in the Porter Valley Donate Make a Donation Click on the this link for a list of our current projects, or sign up to easyfundraising below to get online shops to donate to us. Help Raise Money for FoPV with..... If you shop online you can get the shops you use to make a small donation to us without any cost to you. By signing up to easyfundraising using the link below, you can download a reminder onto your computer which identifies shops you are about to shop with as ones that will make a donation to FoPV after you place your order. There is also an App for your phone if you prefer. Thank you
- Nature Counts | Friends of the Porter Valley
"La nature compte" C'est un Initiative « Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust » qui cherche à mieux comprendre la faune et les habitats de certaines zones. Les Amis de la vallée de Porter encouragent ses membres à s'impliquer pour contribuer à mieux comprendre la faune et les habitats de notre partie de la vallée de Porter. En cliquant sur le logo ci-dessous, vous pouvez soumettez vos observations, ce qui aidera le 'Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust' à faire de meilleurs choix de conservation fondés sur des preuves, et à son tour éclairera sa stratégie de paysages vivants autour de la région élargie de Sheffield et Rotherham. Vous n'avez pas besoin de vous inscrire ou de créer un compte, cliquez simplement sur le logo ci-dessous et commencez à enregistrer vos observations. Nous avons sans aucun doute de nombreux membres bien informés et très compétents, comme en témoignent les superbes photographies que nous voyons sur Facebook et Twitter, qui marchent et observent les changements qui se produisent au cours de l'année. C'est le genre d'informations que nous aimerions capturer au fil du temps à l'aide de "Nature Counts". Par exemple, lorsque vous marchez, faites du vélo ou courez dans la vallée, si vous voyez quelque chose comme ceux énumérés ci-dessous, allez simplement sur la page Nature Counts et enregistrez votre observation - c'est très rapide et facile à faire ; La première hirondelle, Le dernier rapide, Champignons intéressants, Papillon, Papillon, Activité taupe, Première floraison de l'anémone des bois, ou même ; L'observation d'un campagnol d'eau !