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By Peter Kennett.

For several centuries, the rocks of the valley were exploited for their uses as building stones and roofing flags; for grindstones and gravestones; for brick-making and for refractory materials for use in Sheffield's steel industry. There were also many small scale coal pits, ranging from bell pits to shaft mines and drift mines, the last of which closed as recently as 1929.


No particular itinerary is suggested, but the location map enables visits to former sites to be planned, possibly as an adjunct to following the geology itself. The leaflet is illustrated with photographs, some of them from archives, and extracts of old maps.

Delving into the Past - Mining & Quarrying in the Porter Valley


    ©2022 by Przyjaciele Doliny Porter

    Założona 1994

    Zarejestrowana organizacja charytatywna nr 1069865 (Anglia i Walia)

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