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FoPV Work Morning Roundup - Tuesday 26th July 2022

Writer's picture: LyndonLyndon

Hello Conservation Volunteers

Once again a big thank you to all the volunteers who attended our Tuesday morning work session around Forge Dam.

John, Jenny, Chris N, Chris S, Rowena, Linda, Mandy and Angela all ventured into the depths of the wet woodland to pull up more Himalayan balsam. It is one of those never ending tasks but one which our volunteers seem to enjoy, quite therapeutic and the chance for a natter whilst pulling! Hopefully we can get some more sessions in before the seeds ripen to help prevent the spread of this invasive plant.

Opposite the playground on the driveway, Dave with a crew of Dave M and Nick finished off installing the last of the fence posts and threaded the final rope through to complete this section. A good job by all who have had a hand in installing the rope fence since we started at the end of last year, it has certainly improved the entrance way to Forge Dam along with the plant border.

On the bridleway below Forge Dam, the task was to install a fence in front of a steep drop down to the rocky river bed below. With Ranger Matt's stand-in for the day, Nick, plus Phil and Byron, the first two holes for the fence posts were relatively "easy" to dig about 80-90cm deep and 1.8m apart, however the third needed to go exactly where a load of rubble had been used on the path, which included old kerbstones and bricks and took as long as the first two holes to dig out!

The horizontal rails across the three posts have been nailed on, however, there are two more posts to be added at the next session in order to complete this section, hence why there is currently half a rail missing on the fence in order to stagger the joints like a brick course.

The next work morning is on Thursday 11th August. An email will be sent out requesting volunteers nearer the time.


A Selection of photos from the work morning

Balsam crew ready for departure - Rowena, Chris S, John, Jenny, Chris N

Typical view of the flowering Himalayan balsam in the wet woodland

Chris N busily pulling up balsam

Ladies in the bog! Mandy, Rowena, Linda, Angela

Dave M installing the last post and tying the last knot

Nick marking out the first fence post

Adding some postcrete

Byron, Phil, Nick "Two post in, we should be finished soon"(!)

First rail being nailed in place

First phase complete - Byron, Lyndon, Phil


© Friends of the Porter Valley

Established 1994

Registered Charity No. 1069865 (England & Wales)

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