Hello Conservation Volunteers
Due to our first work morning of 2025 being cancelled due to the snow and ice, this was our first actual work morning of the new year and was a "little" wet, however as usual, it didn't put off our willing volunteers, who turned up at Armchair bridge ready for some hard work.
With two separate tasks available for the morning, one digging and the other cutting, the group split up into "boys" (the Dirty Dozen) for digging and "girls" (Fantastic Four) for cutting!
The digging task was in the ancient woodland of Bluebell Wood where trees had been wilfully cut down, pits dug, and ramps built for the purpose of creating a BMX bike track. There was also damage to the PROW which ran nearby, all of which needed restoring. At least with the ground now unfrozen and wet it made digging with mattocks and spades a little easier, but with an estimated 15 tonnes of claggy clay, logs, stones and earth to be broken down from the ramps, one of which was particularly large, it was no mean task.
After much digging, wheelbarrowing and shovelling, the ramps had been removed and pits filled in and the area was looking more respectable, however, the bright yellow clay stood out like a sore thumb in the now filled and levelled areas, so with plenty of fallen leaves lying around they were gathered up and spread over the restored area to disguise it. Hopefully in time many further layers of fallen leaves will compost down and improve the clay.
Finally, the cut and fallen trees were moved to line the official PROW path to highlight and persuade people to use it rather than the desire lines. Stones removed from the ramps were used to block another path by restoring an old dry stone wall that had been demolished.
It's amazing what we find in the woods, this time a child's bike in good condition was found by Rebecca who tried it out for size!
Over on the other side of the river the girls were tackling large areas of rhododendron, not easy due to it being steep, wet and slippery. Mel and Heather did a pincer movement on one snarled up mix of bramble and rhododendron, whilst Rowena and Rebecca tackled a large rhododendron tree, and between them all cleared a good area of rhododendron.
Mandy was unable to join us, but she didn't let us down passing on the New Year parkin to Chris N. which was enjoyed by all as the girls came up to make sure they got their fair share!
Thank you to everybody who came along - a very successful morning's work, even though it was trifle wet.
Thanks also to Ranger Matt for dropping off all the tools.
The next work morning is on Thursday 13th February. An email will be sent out nearer the time with details.
A Selection of photos from the work morning
Rebecca off on a bike ride!

Working on dismantling two of the ramps

Dave M working on the smaller ramp - logs and stones can be seen in the substantial structure

Ramps and pits levelled off

Covering the levelled areas with leaves

Mandy's parkin! X

Chris N. distibuting the parkin inbetween the two filled in ramps covered in leaves

The Fantastic Four enjoying their parkin!

Has Heather spotted something that needs cutting down?

The Dirty Dozen behind the large ramp levelled and covered with leaves. Logs lining the PROW behind them

One area of rhododendron before cutting....

.... and after clearing

Heather in the bushes....

....and Rebecca....

....and Rowena